Antifreeze Eurostandart Coolant Fluid G12++ Long Life 10kg

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Model: 6710
Sku: G12++LongLife
Manufacturer: EUROSTANDART
30.20 $
(price excluding VAT) -
25.17 $
Antifreeze Eurostandart Coolant Fluid G12++ Long Life 10kg antifreeze

VW TL 774 G (G12 ++), MAN 324 TYP SI-OAT, SCANIA TB 1451, MB 325.5, SAE J 1034; ASTM D 3306 AND 4985; BS 6580 (UK); FVV HEFT R 443 (D); AFNOR R 15/601 (F) (1); JIS K2234 (J); KSM 2142 (K); CUNA NC 956-16 (I); UNE 26361-88 (E); EMPA (CH); NATO S 759; E / L 1415C (MIL ITALY)

Antifreeze Coolant Fluid G12++ Long Life is a high-quality, low-freezing, maximum protection coolant - designed for use in the systems of the latest generation of diesel and gasoline engines of trucks, special, agricultural machinery, industrial equipment under severe operating conditions. The use of the newest formula is a hybrid of carboxylate and silicate anticorrosive complexes + "Special ++" providing maximum protection. It can be Use in cooling systems of cars with cast iron and aluminum Cylinder blocks. Extended service life (Long Life): 650,000 km. - for trucks and buses, 40,000 - hours for stationary engines, 400,000 km. - for passenger cars or up to 10 years. The fluid is fully compatible with older fluids of classes G11, G12, G12 +. Protects the cooling system from chemical corrosion even at maximum thermal load of the radiator, pump, engine block, heat exchanger, water pump, hoses, gaskets, oil seals, does not form scale and deposits. The temperature of the beginning of crystallization is 38 C. The boiling point is over +110. Does not contain nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, borates, amines.
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